Fishing for silk
Pêche à soi is the brand of fly fishing products from the French company Au ver à soi.
Since 1820, AU VER A SOIE ® has been producing silk for all uses. Supplier of Parisian haute couture for the whims of ladies, it designed them until the middle of the 20th century, for the aquatic whims of the finest fishermen.
The advent of polyesters and other nylons sounded the death knell for the fishing department of the company. But history is an eternal beginning and the French SME, which has had 5 generations of the same family at its helm, is now making a comeback in the world of fishing.
AU VER A SOIE ® joins forces with Michel RIGAULT, former technical advisor to PEZON and MICHEL, to relaunch its 100% natural fly fishing lines.
Ecological products, AU VER A SOIE ® fishing lines perfectly meet the requirements of fly fishermen while being perfectly sustainable development.